We’re so excited you’re joining our team! This is going to be an AMAZING experience! Please just review everything below and return the ITEMS TO COMPLETE in the top section to us before your first training day.
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to email us any time at info@expressionsmusicacademy.com
Employee Handbook (read)
Onboarding Paperwork (sent to you from DocuSign in a separate email - please complete electronically)
Sensitivity & Diversity Training Video (watch)
Detroit Health Insurance Info (read/watch)
Detroit Health Insurance Paperwork (complete if you would like health insurance - once completed, email separately to Gretchen at info@expressionsmusicacademy.com. You do not have to complete either the "Occupation" or "Annual Salary" fields)
DC Health Insurance Info (read/watch)
DC Health Insurance Paperwork (complete if you would like health insurance - once completed, email separately to Gretchen at info@expressionsmusicacademy.com. You do not have to complete either the "Occupation" or "Annual Salary" fields)
401k Information Slides (read)
401k Enrollment Instructions (read & complete if you would like to enroll - highly recommended!!)
401k Contribution Instructions (instructions on how to adjust yours contribution amount)
You Need a Budget Presentation Video (watch & decide whether you would like to participate!)
You Need a Budget App Signup Link (this app is $99/year, but it is covered by Expressions as long as you remain an employee with us! Just click this link to get a subscription without having to pay)
Employee Background Check (follow instructions sent to you via separate email)
*If you have any questions about health insurance, 401k, or anything else here, please don’t hesitate to ask!
You are going to learn everything you could ever hope to learn during training! Even though learning a new job can be challenging, we work really hard to make sure the experience is as positive and enjoyable as possible. The FAQs below are things people typically want to know BEFORE their first day of training. So hopefully this is helpful! If you would like to know anything else before getting started, please just email us at info@expressionsmusicacademy.com.
We are closed around 2 weeks each year for the major holidays. Our staff is not required to work those days as we are closed, nor are they paid. However, we always offer the opportunity to work some hours as we do need the help doing usual things like answering the phone, emails, texts, following up with student leads, etc. even when we're closed. It works out well - those who want the hours claim them, and those who want the break, just take it. Some staff also like to use their PTO over holiday breaks.
Taking Time Off
Generally speaking, when you need to take a day off or go on a trip or something, it's pretty easy to do - you would just find coverage for your shifts, and then you’re good to go. In some cases, depending on how busy we are, coverage may not even be needed. Because we have so many staff at this point, finding coverage is pretty easy! So as long as you’re not asking for an unreasonable amount of time off, it’s usually not a problem. We have a process for this that all of our staff follow. We’ll show it to you during training!
Everyone gets a paid 30-minute break to take any time during their 8-hour shift! All of our staff just work together to make sure their duties get covered while they pop away for a break. :) Most people eat on their break - we have little fridges in the break room and they also order food in sometimes or go out and grab it.
Dress code
It's pretty casual! A lot of people wear jeans, but some enjoy dressing up a bit more on occasion. Sometimes it's fun to feel a little fancier at the front desk! As long as your look isn't sloppy... sweatpants, t-shirts, athletic clothes, etc., you're in the clear.